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How Does Workmans Comp Work in Missouri?

How Does Workmans Comp Work in Missouri?

Workmans’ compensation is a state-mandated insurance program that differs from state to state, existing to provide benefits to workers who suffer a job-related injury or illness. In the state of Missouri, injured workers have to report on-the-job injuries to their employer or supervisor within 30 days of the incident. Failure to report a work-related injury may compromise their chances of receiving workers’ compensation benefits.

To successfully obtain the compensation you deserve following a jobsite injury, it is important that you work with an experienced attorney who understands workmans’ compensation laws in the state of Missouri.

Workmans’ Compensation in the State of Missouri

Here are the three types of workers’ comp benefits available to Missouri workers:

  1. Benefit Payments

    The four types of monetary workers’ comp benefits include temporary partial disability, temporary total disability, permanent partial disability, and permanent total disability. Before you can receive compensation, there is a three-day waiting period where you get paid until you’re unable to work for more than 14 days. Once those initial days have passed, your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance company pays for disability and medical bills. Any workmans’ compensation payment you receive is tax-free.

  2. Disability Benefits

    There are two disability benefits: permanent partial disability and permanent total disability. Permanent partial disability is when your work injury affects your ability to do a job or task permanently, but you can perform other tasks. Permanent total disability applies to when you’re unable to work any job. If you apply for permanent total disability, you could receive weekly payments for life from your employer and its insurer, or a lump-sum settlement.

  3. Payment for Lost Wages

The two payments you could receive are temporary partial disability and temporary total disability. You can receive temporary partial disability when the doctor clears you to go back to work with light or modified work but at less than full pay. Workers’ compensation law gives you 2/3 of the difference between the average earnings before the incident and the amount you’re earning while on disability. If your doctor deems you cannot work because of your injury, you can receive temporary total disability. Your employer will pay you 2/3 of your average gross wage until you return to work.

Expert Workmans’ Compensation Legal Services in Missouri

If you’re not sure what workmans’ compensation benefit applies to you, consider hiring the lawyers at Lanzotti & Rau. Our team of experienced lawyers is ready to fight for you and help you pursue legal action to receive compensation for your work-related injury. We don’t get paid until you do and we won’t charge you a bill or fee until we win your case.

If you want to learn more about our legal services and how we handle our workers’ compensation cases, call us today at 573-335-9300 to schedule a free case evaluation.