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The Four Types of Monetary Workers Compensation Benefits

The Four Types of Monetary Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Workers’ compensation is a state-mandated insurance program that benefits workers who are injured or become ill while on the job. It’s important to know the ins and outs of workers compensation benefits so you can file for the maximum amount of monetary compensation you deserve.

Monetary Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Here’s a breakdown of the four types of monetary workers’ compensation benefits you can receive.

  1. Temporary Partial Disability

    Temporary partial disability, or TPD, is granted when an employee can return to a light or modified form of work and receive less than full pay. The amount of TPD benefits is 2/3 of the difference between the average earnings at full pay and the amount the employee will earn while they are injured. TPD benefits are paid weekly.

  2. Temporary Total Disability

    An employee qualifies for temporary total disability, or TTD, when a physician deems an employee unable to work due to an injury. It can also be granted when someone is recovering from surgery. The maximum amount someone can receive for temporary total disability is 2/3 of the worker’s average gross wage per week.

  3. Permanent Partial Disability

    Permanent partial disability affects a worker’s ability to perform a job or task permanently, but they’re still able to work in a certain capacity. The benefits from PPD can be calculated two ways. Some people will settle for a lump sum. If not, permanent partial disability is paid weekly at a rate of 2/3 of the employee’s weekly earnings at the time of the injury.

  4. Permanent Total Disability

    Permanent total disability is the fourth form of workers’ compensation. This means an employee is unable to work any job. PTD payments can be made weekly, or workers can also receive a lump-sum settlement. If someone chooses to receive weekly payments, the amount is 2/3 of the employee’s earnings when the injury occurred. This maximum amount is usually higher than PPD.

Your Southeastern Missouri Workers’ Compensation Benefits Experts

If you’re looking for compensation for a work-related injury, consider hiring the lawyers at Lanzotti & Rau. Our team has fought for our clients for years, and we charge no bills or fees unless we win your case—a true testament to our confidence that we will successfully represent your case and secure you your deserved workers’ compensation benefits.

To learn more about our workers’ compensation legal services or to schedule a free case evaluation, call us today at 573-335-9300.