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First Steps after a Car Accident


Knowing exactly what to do following a car accident can be difficult, as it’s not something most of us practice very often. Injuries can be severe and emotions often run high. When an accident happens, there are important things that you …

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Should I Hire a Social Security Disability Lawyer?


If you’re going to be out of work for a long period of time due to an injury, you should consider talking to a Social Security disability attorney in order to maximize your chances of being approved for benefits. There are many reasons to…

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5 Common Causes of Wrongful Death


Wrongful death can be categorized as occurring when someone is killed due to another person’s negligent act, and a wrongful death lawsuit seeks to compensate the families of those who are killed. Surviving spouses, parents, or children ca…

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Common Types of Medical Malpractice Cases


Patient-safety researchers have determined that medical errors and malpractice are now the third leading cause of death in the United States, with nearly 200,000 deaths across the nation among Medicare beneficiaries alone reported in 2008. …

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Tips for Safe Winter Driving


Winter is fast approaching, and for those who live in areas that see snow, this means a more challenging time behind the wheel. Show, ice, and slush are involved in nearly 25 percent of all vehicle crashes. Conditions like these make it dif…

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Who Are The Highest Risk Drivers?

Who Are The Highest Risk Drivers?
There’s no shortage of thoughts about who the riskiest, most unsafe, or highest risk drivers are on the road. While there are stereotypes about who these people are, government statistics have found that c…

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Distracted Driving Auto Injuries


With the rapid advancement of technology each year, distracted driving has become one of the most common causes of car accidents in the United States. Whether it be from handheld electronics, eating while driving, or even in-car entertainme…

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First Steps to Take After a Car Accident


When you’re involved in a car accident, the minutes immediately following the incident can be very emotional. It is critical to keep your cool though, as there are important things you need to do at the scene of the accident, and shortly …

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