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Why Is My Lawyer Taking So Long To Settle My Case?

Why Is My Lawyer Taking So Long To Settle My Case?

If you’ve been the victim of a personal injury, you want to get back on your feet as quickly as possible. Stacking medical bills and lost wages only prolongs your stress and recovery time. If you’ve filed for compensation, you may be wondering why so long to settle a case? Here’s a breakdown of why personal injury settlements take time.

Reasons Why So Long to Settle a Case

Personal injury cases are complex, and no two cases are alike. To ensure you receive the maximum amount of benefits, your lawyer needs to collect a lot of information. Unfortunately, this can take a long time and impact your settlement date. Some factors that slow down the settlement process include:

  • Medical treatment: You can’t receive your benefits until you’re finished receiving treatment and know the full extent of your injuries. If you try and settle before you’re done recovering, you might not be able to recover the cost of your medical bills or lost wages.
  • Medical records: Your lawyer needs access to your medical records, which must be purchased and certified. It can take time for your medical provider to copy the records and have them authenticated and sent to your legal team.
  • Other involved parties: When you file your personal injury case, the other party needs time to review and respond. It’s possible the other side is dragging their feet or even ignoring your lawyer’s communication.

It takes an average of one year from the date you file to settle your personal injury claim, but a more complex injury can slow down that process. While you may think it’s taking too long to settle a case, you may be moving along at exactly the right pace.

Trusted and Timely Missouri Personal Injury Lawyers

The more experience your lawyer has, the quicker your case will move through court. Therefore, if you’ve been injured in the Southern Missouri area, you’ll want the lawyers at Lanzotti and Rau on your side. Our team is ready to help you pursue legal action to quickly receive compensation for your personal injury. Schedule a free consultation to learn more by calling us at 573-335-9300.