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What to Do If You Are Being Sued for Personal Injury

What to Do If You Are Being Sued for Personal Injury

Car accidents can be scary experiences that leave you scarred physically and emotionally. That emotional toll can grow, however, if you learn you’re being accused of causing the other party’s injuries. Being sued for personal injury adds another layer of stress on top of an already overwhelming experience. Here’s what to do if you get served with a personal injury lawsuit.

Being Sued for Personal Injury in Missouri

If you’re being sued for personal injury in Missouri, it’s important to understand the state’s laws regarding liability. Missouri follows pure negligence laws and is an “at-fault” state, meaning injured parties can still receive damages even if they’re considered negligent. However, their compensation will be reduced depending on their shared percentage of fault.

This is crucial if you’re being sued for personal injury because it means you have the chance to prove the accident is not entirely your fault. If you can show that the other party was also negligent, their settlement can be reduced or potentially thrown out. It also opens the door for you to be able to recover damages.

The Benefits of Hiring Personal Injury Attorneys

Before trying to prove fault in court, the first thing you’ll want to do when being sued for personal injury is to consult a lawyer. Trying to navigate the process alone can be overwhelming without knowing the law, your rights, and how the legal process works. An attorney will be able to look at your case and tell you what you can expect throughout the entire lawsuit. They’ll examine each party’s damages and build your case to show the other party’s percentage of fault. When it comes time to provide evidence and file paperwork, your personal injury lawyer will ensure you never miss a deadline.

Experienced and Dedicated Personal Injury Attorneys Near You

Hiring a personal injury lawyer can drastically change the outcome of your case. That’s why if you’re being sued for personal injury in Missouri, consult the legal team at Lanzotti and Rau rather than trying to prove your case on your own.

The lawyers at Lanzotti and Rau will pursue legal action to help your personal injury case and fight on your behalf to receive your deserved compensation. To learn more about our personal injury law experience or to schedule a free consultation, call us today at 573-335-9300.