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What Qualifies You for Short-Term Disability in Missouri?

What Qualifies You for Short-Term Disability in Missouri?

Injuries that leave you temporarily unable to work are not only stressful but can result in a mountain of medical bills and debt. Fortunately, you may qualify for short-term disability payments to help make up for lost wages. Here are the eligibility requirements for temporary total disability benefits in Missouri.

Short-Term Disability Missouri Requirements

Temporary disability benefits are provided for as long as you need to recover. Some of the requirements of temporary total disability include:

  1. You must have suffered an injury or illness that leaves you unable to work in any capacity.
  2. You must have worked at least 20 hours in the month prior to your injury or illness.
  3. You must be able to return to work within 12 months.

It’s important to file your claim for short-term disability as soon as possible. You can be reimbursed as soon as your claim is approved. To make sure you receive your payments on time, you may consider hiring a short-term disability Missouri lawyer to review your claim.

Hiring a Disability Attorney

Unfortunately, filing for disability is a slow and complicated process that leads to the majority of initial claims being denied. This means your cause will need to be appealed and heard by an administrative law judge. If your case is headed to a hearing, you’ll want an experienced professional who knows the ins and outs of disability law. Hiring an attorney could be the difference between a win and a loss in court.

Affording a Disability Attorney

Many people don’t hire lawyers because they think it’ll be too expensive. However, that’s not the case. Most law firms, including the legal professionals at Lanzotti & Rau, operate on a contingency fee basis. This means our fees are taken from the settlement, and you owe nothing unless you win.

Missouri’s Reliable Short-Term Disability Experts

The lawyers at Lanzotti & Rau have a proven track record on disability cases and can help you pursue legal action to receive compensation. If you want to learn more about our legal services or how we handle our cases, schedule a free consultation by calling 573-335-9300.