The aftermath of a truck accident can be difficult to deal with on your own. Therefore, hiring an experienced truck accident attorney to fight on your behalf is crucial. Trucking companies will work hard to look out for their interests and discredit your pain and suffering in order to ensure a minimal settlement.
To win your case, your truck accident lawyer will need to conduct a thorough review of the accident and resulting effects. Here’s what your attorney will look for in a truck accident case.
Truck Accident Documentation
The most important thing lawyers will look for in a truck accident is written and photographic evidence taken before and after the accident. A trucker’s hours of service log or GPS location tracker can tell the court if the driver was overworked or driving at an unsafe speed. It can also tell if the trucker tries to lie about the accident.
Witness testimony is another key factor. People who saw the accident, including parties not directly involved, can give a first-hand account of what happened. A good lawyer will be able to cross-reference all this information to create an accurate depiction of the accident.
Truck Accident Medical Bills and Insurance
Other factors that truck accident lawyers will look for when handling your case will be any personal medical bills incurred as well as the trucking company’s insurance information. It’s important for your lawyer to know every medical expense you’ve had because of the accident as well as lost wages due to injuries so they know how much your claim is worth.
Your truck accident attorney should also be familiar with the other party’s insurance policy. That way, they can hold the trucking and insurance companies accountable if they’re not providing you with full benefits.
What to Look for in a Missouri Truck Accident Attorney
Before filing a truck accident claim, you’re going to want to hire a lawyer you can trust. To defend your interests, your attorney should have experience settling truck accident cases and be familiar with the Missouri truck accident laws. A good attorney will be willing to work toward a fair settlement instead of taking a small payout from the insurance companies. Fortunately, the knowledgeable lawyers at Lanzotti & Rau are ready to take on your Missouri truck accident claim.
Experienced Missouri Truck Accident Attorneys
The team at Lanzotti & Rau has years of experience representing victims of truck accidents and will aggressively pursue legal action to receive compensation for your injury. If you want to learn more about our legal services or how we handle our truck accident cases, call us today at 573-335-9300 and schedule a free case evaluation.