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5 Things to Look for in a Workers’ Comp Attorney

5 Things to Look for in a Workers’ Comp Attorney

If you’re suffering due to a work-related injury, it’s a good idea to talk to a workers’ compensation attorney to see how you can increase your settlement. However, there are several things to look for when you’re considering which workers’ comp attorney to hire.

  1. Experience with Workers’ Compensation Cases

Obviously, the biggest thing to look for when hiring a workers’ comp attorney is their experience level with workers’ compensation cases. Attorneys with field experience will know all the ins and outs of workers’ comp laws and will help you file your claim on time for the maximum amount of benefits.

  1. Experience with Your Injury

Just as it’s important to hire a lawyer with experience in workers’ compensation, it’s important they also have experience with cases similar to yours. Different injuries could mean different types of benefits. If your injury is uncommon, you will need an attorney who is familiar with the full scope of compensation you can receive for your particular on-the-job injury.

  1. Good Community Standing

Lawyers with a good public image will be more reputable. Positive client testimonials and word-of-mouth recommendations from friends and family can be the best sources of information. Membership in a professional organization can also show an attorney’s office is in good standing and will serve you well.

  1. Provides Confidence, Positivity and Respect

Your lawyer should remain positive and proactive throughout the entire claims process. They should be genuinely interested in you and respect your time when you speak. By maintaining positivity and respect, a good workers’ comp attorney should instill a sense of confidence in you, so you know they’re ready to win your case.

  1. Excellent Service

Good customer service shows your workers’ compensation attorney isn’t in it for the money—they’re in it for you. Some law offices will offer a free consultation or won’t charge fees until your settlement is paid out. This shows they’re dedicated to your cause and want to see you succeed in court, no matter the cost.

Trusted Workers’ Comp Attorneys in Missouri

All of the above workers’ comp services are offered by Lanzotti & Rau. Our expert team is ready to help you pursue legal action and receive your due compensation for any work-related injuries. To learn more about our workers’ compensation services and how we handle our cases, schedule your free case evaluation by calling us today at 573-335-9300.