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The Pros and Cons of Hiring a Workers’ Comp Attorney

The Pros and Cons of Hiring a Workers’ Comp Attorney

Settling your workers’ compensation claim can be stressful physically and emotionally. In addition to resting and recovering from your injury, you need to get the benefits you’re owed from your employer. Throughout your case, you may consider hiring a workers’ comp attorney to guide you through the process. While there are several advantages, there could be some things to consider. 

Pros of Hiring a Workers’ Comp Attorney

There are lots of different reasons to hire a workers’ comp attorney, including:

  • Legal expertise: Workers’ comp attorneys have years of legal knowledge and experience ready to be applied to your case. They’ll help you navigate the complicated process of workers’ compensation and ensure you file your claim perfectly.
  • Resource access: If your case goes to trial, a workers’ comp attorney has access to expert witnesses that help prove your claim.
  • Success rate: Legal representation drastically increases your chance of success. A workers’ comp attorney will also use their knowledge to get you the maximum settlement instead of settling for less.
  • Payment schedule: Workers’ comp attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they don’t get paid until you win. That means it’s not a financial burden during an already difficult time.

Why They Don’t Want You to Hire a Workers’ Comp Attorney

While there are many benefits to hiring a workers’ comp attorney, there are still a few things to consider. The biggest thing to keep in mind is how your employer will see the situation. There’s a chance your employer will view you hiring legal representation negatively, and it could affect your working relationship. However, it’s important to remember retaliation against you by your employer is another legal issue you can bring against them.

Ultimately, your employer and their insurance provider would rather you file your workers’ comp claim without legal representation because they can get you to settle for much less than you deserve if you are on your own. Therefore, it is in your best interest to find a reputable and experienced workers’ comp attorney to negotiate for your due compensation.

Missouri’s Experienced Workers’ Comp Attorneys

If you’re hiring a workers’ compensation attorney for your Missouri claim, rely on the legal experts at Lanzotti & Rau to help you quickly receive the benefits you deserve. Our team of professionals is ready to take action and fight for you at any step of the process. To learn more about our workers’ compensation legal services or how we handle our cases, call us today to schedule a free consultation at 573-335-9300.