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How to Sue a Trucking Company for Not Paying You

How to Sue a Trucking Company for Not Paying You

Truck driving is a hard-working, important profession that earns the pay it deserves. However, wage theft is a serious issue in the industry. Truckers lose millions of dollars nationwide due to their employers not compensating them. If your employer hasn’t paid you, it may be time to file a claim and get the money you’re owed. Here’s how you can sue a trucking company for withholding your pay.  

Can I Sue a Trucking Company?

If you haven’t received your wages, you can sue a trucking company for wage theft. The Fair Labor Standards Act protects your right to earn money for the work you’ve done. If you’ve reached out to your employer and they won’t resolve the issue, then it’s time to file a claim.

How to Sue a Trucking Company

Fortunately, the process of filing a claim for wage theft is easy. You should start by contacting the Missouri Department of Labor and completing a wage theft claim form. The form requires several pieces of evidence, including:

  • A record of your worked hours
  • Paystubs, if available
  • Proof of wage theft
  • Witness details
  • Contact details for your employer

The Department of Labor will work the claim and try to find a solution between you and your employer. If a settlement can’t be reached, it’s time to file a formal lawsuit. The department will let you know when to take action and sue the trucking company.

The Benefits of Hiring an Lawyer to Sue a Trucking Company

If your claim reaches this phase, it’s crucial to have an experienced lawyer on your side. Suing your trucking company will have your employer doing everything in their power to keep you from your hard-earned wages. You’ll want to ensure you have the strongest case possible to get your compensation. That’s why if you’re facing a wage theft case in Missouri, you’ll want the lawyers at Lanzotti & Rau on your side.

Rely on the Team at Lanzotti & Rau

The lawyers at Lanzotti & Rau have the experience and expertise to help you pursue legal action and receive the compensation and stolen wages you deserve. If you want to learn more about our legal services or how we handle our cases, call us today at 573-335-9300 and schedule a free consultation.