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How Much Does the Average Person Receive in Social Security Benefits?

How Much Does the Average Person Receive in Social Security Benefits?


Part of your paycheck every month goes toward Social Security benefits you can collect once you retire. However, if you are injured or have a medical condition that prevents you from working, you may qualify for Social Security Disability benefits. While SSD is one of the most beneficial programs for those who can no longer work, the monetary benefits differ depending on your specific case. Here is a breakdown of how much the average disabled worker receives in Social Security benefits.

Types of Social Security Benefits

While retirees are the main recipient of Social Security checks, disabled workers and their survivors can also receive Social Security benefits. In 2022, about 14% of Social Security recipients were from Social Security disability insurance and another 12% were disabled workers. Their monthly payouts were slightly lower than the national average at $1,228.87 for insurance and $1,361.88 for disabled workers.

Effects on Average Social Security Disability Benefits

An average of $1,300 a month may seem like a modest sum for disabled workers and their loved ones who must pay for cost-of-living expenses as well as mounting medical bills.

There are several factors that play into the amount of SSD benefits you can receive.

For one, there has been an increase in SSD claims in recent years as retirees reach their disability-prone years. With more people qualifying for and claiming Social Security benefits, there are fewer funds to go around.

As a result, the Social Security Disability claims process has become more stringent.

Need Assistance Filing a Social Security Disability Claim?

Filing a Social Security Disability claim entitles you to a monthly payment and medical coverage if you’re unable to work due to a medical condition. However, qualifying for these benefits is a long legal process that involves lots of red tape and a high level of complexity. If you’re looking to file an SSD claim in Missouri, you’re going to want the lawyers at Lanzotti & Rau on your side.

Missouri’s Trusted Social Security Benefit Lawyers

The lawyers at Lanzotti & Rau will help you pursue legal action for your Social Security Disability insurance claim to collect the benefits you deserve.

To learn more about our Social Security Disability legal services and how we handle our cases, schedule a free consultation by calling us at 573-335-9300.