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How Long Does It Take to Settle a Personal Injury Case?

How Long Does It Take to Settle a Personal Injury Case?

When a personal injury results from another person’s negligent actions, you could be eligible for compensation. Personal injury cases fall under a large umbrella, and can be as small as a slip-and-fall or as large as a major car accident. However, every case is different depending on the extent of your injury and the circumstances surrounding it.

Here is how long it could take your personal injury claim to settle and how you can expedite your settlement with the assistance of a personal injury attorney in Missouri.

Time Is of the Essence

While your first priority after getting into an accident should be to take care of yourself and treat any injuries, you should also consider hiring a personal injury attorney as soon as you can. The amount of time you have to file a personal injury case is determined by your state’s statute of limitations. In Missouri, that’s five years from the date of your injury. However, the sooner you hire a personal injury attorney Missouri to help you begin your personal injury claim, the quicker your case will settle.

The Personal Injury Claims Process Can Be Lengthy

The discovery phase is the longest part of a personal injury case where both parties gather information about the claim. Collected information could include medical bills, diagnoses and exams from doctors and witness statements. Discovery can take anywhere from six months up to a year and usually ends with an attempt to settle. If the parties don’t reach an agreement, they can take it to court.

Going to Trial Can Prolong Your Settlement

If the initial settlement doesn’t work, it can take up to a year to reach a verdict in court. If the verdict comes out in your favor, the defendant could appeal, further delaying your process. Settlements can be reached at any time, but some parties choose to wait until a verdict is reached.

By going it alone, you severely reduce your chances of a fast and successful outcome. Hiring a personal injury attorney to handle and navigate your Missouri personal injury claim will significantly increase your odds of a generous and expedited settlement.

Personal Injury Lawyers Missouri Relies On

If you’ve been involved in a personal injury case, contact the lawyers at Lanzotti & Rau. Our expert team can help you pursue legal action to receive compensation for your personal injury. If you want to learn more about our personal injury legal services or how we handle our cases, call us today at 573-335-9300 to schedule a free case consultation.