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How Do I Find the Best Lawyer To Handle My Disability Claim?

How Do I Find the Best Lawyer To Handle My Disability Claim?

As humans, we are all susceptible to getting hurt and sick. As a worker in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, you have options available to make sure your life isn’t disrupted in the event of an injury or medical issue. Should this happen, you may be entitled to Social Security Disability (SSD), which can afford you monthly benefit checks and medical coverage assistance.

Unfortunately, a large majority of SSD/SSI claims are denied at the very first level of claims. For a true fighting chance at success, you’ll want to have an experienced and aggressive ally in your corner: a dedicated Social Security Disability lawyer.

What to Look For in a Social Security Disability Lawyer

You might be wondering, “How do I find the best lawyer to handle my disability claim?” Well, there are a few qualities you should be seeking if you want a successful appeal. To find the best lawyer to handle your disability claim, look for those who possess:

  • Experience with the appeal hearing process. The best lawyer to handle your disability claim is one that is intimately acquainted with the appeal hearing process. They are familiar with the administrative law judges, they know how to argue against potentially damaging details to your case, and they can aggressively cross-examine any vocational experts.
  • An understanding of what medical evidence is needed to win. Having the right medical evidence is the key to winning a claim, and an experienced disability lawyer understands that. They know how to compile and develop the best evidence, ensuring you have all the necessary tests and records with no fluff that can bolster your case.
  • Strong communication skills and medical expert familiarity. A good disability lawyer can stand shoulder to shoulder with both your doctor and any medical expert called in to argue against your case. It’s vital that a good disability lawyer knows how to approach, converse with, and request information from your doctor to help fill out your case.

If you or anyone you know is needing to appeal a disability claim, it is important to have the best representation possible to help you navigate the complicated claims process. You can rest assured that the attorneys at Lanzotti & Rau have the experience and dedication to secure a win for you.

Contact the Best Disability Lawyers in Cape Girardeau, MO

The lawyers at Lanzotti & Rau can help you pursue legal action to receive compensation for your disability. If you want to learn more about our Social Security Disability legal services or how we handle our Cape Girardeau, MO cases, call us today to schedule a free case evaluation at 573-335-9300.