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Do Minor Vehicle Accidents Need to Be Reported?

Do Minor Vehicle Accidents Need to Be Reported?

While a fender bender may not seem like a big deal, it’s important to report your minor car accident for several reasons. In fact, Missouri law requires you to report a minor car accident if it involves an uninsured motorist, someone who was injured or killed, or property damage estimated to be at least $500.

Even if the damage seems small immediately after a minor car accident, further inspection by an auto mechanic could prove it’s worse than you thought. Additionally, bruises, injuries, and conditions like whiplash may not develop until a few days or weeks after the incident, causing you pain and costly medical bills to treat. Therefore, it is important to always report a minor car accident.

How to Report a Minor Car Accident

As soon as you’re physically able, it is recommended you report a minor car accident to the Missouri Department of Revenue. You can report the accident either through a form provided by your insurance company, the Driver License Bureau, or any licensing office. However, you will need certain information to complete the report.

Following a minor car accident in Missouri, the police officer at the scene will take down both parties’ information, including your driver’s license and insurance information.

If no police officer shows up and if you can’t take down the other driver’s information, and report the accident at once to the nearest police station or judicial office to get the process started.

Filing a Car Insurance Claim

After you report a minor car accident, you should consider filing an insurance claim and hiring a lawyer. While you may not immediately feel like you need it, there’s a chance the insurance companies won’t give you the maximum benefits you deserve.

Car accidents can be physically and emotionally traumatic, and you want to ensure that you’re able to handle any complications. Having a car accident lawyer on your side will ensure you get the full benefits you’re entitled to following a minor car accident.

Reliable Minor Car Accident Lawyers in Missouri

If you’ve been in a Missouri car accident, consult with the lawyers at Lanzotti & Rau. Our expert legal team will help you pursue legal action to receive compensation for your minor car accident damage and injuries.

To learn more about our legal services or how we handle our car accident cases, call us today to schedule a free consultation at 573-335-9300.