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What Happens After Deposition in Personal Injury Cases?

What Happens After Deposition in Personal Injury Cases?

An early but crucial step in all personal injury cases, a deposition is a recorded interview that details your account of the events surrounding your personal injury. Your deposition allows your lawyers to get the facts straight about your injury and who’s responsible. If you’ve completed your deposition, you may be wondering what comes next. Here’s how your personal injury case will play out after your deposition.

The Steps of a Personal Injury Case

The general flow of a personal injury case after deposition includes:

  • Mediation and Settlement Negotiations: Mediation is a type of dispute resolution that can help lead to a settlement. Instead of taking your case to court, a neutral third party will assist you and the other party in negotiating a resolution. Settlement negotiations will begin after your attorney sends the demand letter for compensation, which is drawn up based on the deposition.
  • Trial Preparation: If you can’t reach a settlement through mediation, it may be necessary to prepare for trial. During the discovery phase of a trial, you may have another deposition. Your lawyer will provide all the necessary information to the judge.
  • Settlement: Whether you reach an agreement through negotiations or receive a verdict at trial, the last phase of a personal injury case is the settlement, which will outline the compensation you’ll receive.

How Long Personal Injury Cases Take

There isn’t a specific timeline for mediation. It depends on the outcome of your deposition and if any other parties need to provide one. It will also take both parties time to collect all the information and review it for accuracy. There will likely be several rounds of negotiations, depending on the complexity of the case. A personal injury case can take months or even years to settle. To expedite the process, you’ll want an experienced personal injury attorney on your side to help you build, negotiate, and settle your personal injury case.

Missouri Personal Injury Attorneys On Your Side

If you’ve been the victim of personal injury in Missouri and want to settle your case quickly and successfully, rely on the attorneys at Lanzotti & Rau. Our team has years of experience across all types of personal injury cases, and we’re ready to use our experience to get you justice. To schedule your free consultation, call us today at 573-335-9300.