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Should I Hire a Social Security Disability Lawyer?



If you’re going to be out of work for a long period of time due to an injury, you should consider talking to a Social Security disability attorney in order to maximize your chances of being approved for benefits. There are many reasons to hire a Social Security disability lawyer and, when dealing with something that can have a significant impact on your future and that of your family, you should do everything possible to secure the compensation you deserve.

Why You Need an Attorney

When you hire an attorney to assist with your disability case, the chances of being approved go up significantly. In fact, though some people who apply for benefits on their own are approved, statistics show that Social Security is more likely to approve someone who is represented by legal counsel than someone who isn’t.

The Social Security disability application process can be confusing to say the least, and a disability attorney can walk you through each step of the process from the initial application to the hearing level and beyond. Our team of attorneys know how to best present a case to favor their clients. They can offer advice on determining your “alleged onset date” of your disability, argue that your condition meets one of Social Security’s listed impairments, and can help you focus on the facts that will be most persuasive to Social Security.

When your case goes to the reconsideration and hearing stages, a lawyer on your side can submit relevant evidence, obtain an opinion from your doctor, create a detailed brief to the Administrative Law Judge, and can prepare you for the judge’s questions during the hearing.

When your case makes it to the final stages of appeal, your lawyer can create legal arguments that clearly show that Social Security has wrongly denied your case.

Let Us Help

Don’t try taking on Social Security by yourself. The lawyers here at Lanzotti & Rau fight aggressively for our clients, and we can level the playing field, giving you the best chance to secure the compensation you deserve. To schedule a free consultation, fill out our contact form, or give us a call at 573-335-9300 today.