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How You Can Prevent a Winter Slip and Fall Injury

How You Can Prevent a Winter Slip and Fall Injury


Property owners, homeowners, and business owners are obliged to maintain their properties so visitors and guests are not in harm’s way. Sometimes, it is not always safe to entrust your safety to a property owner’s hands — especially when out running errands in the Missouri winter. Between all the layers, stores, and slush, it’s easy to forget to watch your step. Such to-and-fro distractions can oftentimes cloud your alertness of unmaintained icy patches and lead to a nasty slip and fall. To help you stay on your feet when on the go, here are some ways you can prevent a winter slip and fall injury. 

Winter Slip and Fall Injury Prevention Steps

Walk wisely

Never walk outside during winter with your hands in your pocket. Instead, wear gloves if it is too cold. By keeping your hands free, you might be able to brace yourself for a fall.

Wear appropriate footwear

Leather-soled shoes or heels during the winter is dangerous. Boots with rubber soles are the best for increasing traction on slippery surfaces.

Watch where you walk

It is best to test the ground in front of you before stepping forward with your full weight. If the footing seems questionable, take an alternate route.

Take your time

If you are walking somewhere, never try to rush yourself. Running on the ice is a sure way of earning yourself a slip and fall injury.

Use supporting objects

When an area seems slippery, supporting objects like handrails may help you keep balance and help you recover from a potential fall.

What You Should Do After a Winter Slip and Fall Accident

  1. Report the fall immediately to whoever is in charge of the property — for example, a manager on duty.
  2. Ask eyewitnesses for their names and contacts.
  3. If possible, try documenting the scene with videos or pictures, including the negligence that led to your accident. The best way to document at the scene is by taking pictures with your phone. 
  4. Seek medical attention as soon as possible. You may want to document your injuries with a qualified medical practitioner as quickly as possible. You should also report additional symptoms of the damage as soon as you notice them while recovering.
  5. Keep detailed notes about what caused the fall, what eyewitnesses said, and injuries sustained for future use.
  6. Be sure to get a copy of your filled-out accident report and take a picture of it with your phone before turning it in to the store manager. After turning it in, it is very difficult to obtain a copy and can only be received late in litigation.
  7. Consult with an attorney before speaking to the property owner or insurance company again. 

If you slip and fall on someone’s property due to his or her negligence, you are entitled to compensation for the damages. A slip and fall attorney will help you file your claim if you follow the above steps immediately after a slip and fall accident. Please meet with our attorney to discuss the next legal steps to take for your full compensation.

Did Ice Get You Down? We Can Help!

If you or your loved one suffer a slip and fall accident, we can help. At Lanzotti & Rau, we specialize in slip and fall accidents and pride ourselves on getting our clients their full compensation. Get in touch with us today by calling 573-335-9300 to schedule your free consultation.